I have a form that is written in MXML that allows a user to create/add a User.
I need to add a form that allows a user to modify SOME but NOT ALL of the fields for this user.
The forms are so similar, I don't want to have to create two separate forms, one for Add and one for Modify.
For example, in the Add form, the user specifies a user id. In the Modify form, the "user id" field is not editable.
I'm wondering how I can initialize the MXML form (i.e. pass in a parameter?) so that it knows whether it is in the Add state or the Modif state.
I know I can't do the following but this is what I would like to do (pseudocode):
if (ADD_FORM) {
mx:TextInput id="txtUserID"
else {
mx:Label id="lblUserID"