



I am trying to figure out the best way for doing spellcheck in flex application. I need a support of multiple languages, like: english, russian and so on. Also, I don't need a realtime spellchecking, only in some particular moment(for example, user click button: "check my text"). I found clientside solution here - flex:SpellCheck , but looks like it able to check only english text. So now I am thinking serverside solution, that recieve a text and needed language, check it(for example with aspell) and returns result. How do you think: is this a good way or I am missing something?


+2  A: 

You can check the Squiglly project on Adobe Labs - link

Quoting the page:

Squiggly is a spell checking engine for Adobe® Flash® Player and Adobe AIR®. The Squiggly library allows you to easily add spell checking functionality in any Adobe Flex® 3 or Flex 4 based text control. The distribution package consists of a utility for building your own spelling dictionaries, a sample English dictionary [...]

Robert Bak
Oh! Thanks a lot! Looks very promising!
Oh, no! I found at adobe website:"Important note: The spelling suggestion algorithm for this release is based on English phonological rules. As such, it should only be used with an English dictionary for checking English text. The plan is to address this limitation in a future release of this project."So my question is back
Ah, sorry, I was actually using it with english. Other thing we've used on a project was . It's a commercial component, I don't remember the actual pricing, and their sale site is offline at the moment.
Robert Bak
anyway, thank you very much. It doesn't fit all my requirements, but also will be very helpful. Thank you!