how to import the data/files in csv format to excel vba in a much faster way? so far,i could get the files n display in excel but it is one by one. this will take a lot of time.
how do we make it in faster way?
how to import the data/files in csv format to excel vba in a much faster way? so far,i could get the files n display in excel but it is one by one. this will take a lot of time.
how do we make it in faster way?
You could write a simple console application to parse a batch of csv files and save them to excel files.
Not the easiest solution but it could be an option.
Please can you give an example of the CSV files in question? Are they comma separated values with text in double quotes, or without double quotes? I have some VBScript and VB6 code which will parse CSV, and I have other means for data without double quotes.
Does each column have a heading?
Next question. Are the headings single words? The direction I'm heading is to create arrays named after the headings (using Eval() and Execute()) and fill these with data from the file. It'd be an implementation similar to [VBScript] CSV to variables using Execute over on my Codeaholic weblog.
It occurs to me that you should be able to read the whole CSV into Excel anyway, as Excel has a CSV filter. But you are wanting to do it programmatically?
This will get a file into a one dimensional array quickly
Open "myfile.csv" For Input As 1
Dim Txt As String
Txt = Input(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
Dim V As Variant
V = Split(Txt, ",")
Then V contains all the items in a single column, NB first item is V(0)
So let me see if I have got this figured right.
Have I got it right thus far?
I am a bit puzzled in that most versions of Excel will open .csv files with out any problems.
strPath = "C:\Docs\"
strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.csv")
Do While strFile <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=strPath & strFile
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strPath & Mid(strFile, 1, InStr(strFile, ".") - 1) _
& "Conv.xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal
strFile = Dir
The idea I had originally was as follows. Given this data
Dog Names,Dog Ages,Collar Size
create three global arrays, called Dog_Names
, Dog_Ages
and Collar_Size
and populate them with the data in the CSV file.
This bit of VBScript does that job and displays the results. Remove the comment mark from the wscript.echo
in the x
subroutine to see it all happen.
Option Explicit
Set FSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Dim oStream
Dim sData
Dim aData
Set oStream = fso.OpenTextFile("data.csv")
sData = oStream.ReadAll
aData = Split( sData, vbNewLine )
Dim sLine
sLine = aData(0)
Dim aContent
aContent = Split( sLine, "," )
Dim aNames()
Dim nArrayCount
nArrayCount = UBound( aContent )
ReDim aNames( nArrayCount )
Dim i
For i = 0 To nArrayCount
aNames(i) = Replace( aContent( i ), " ", "_" )
x "dim " & aNames(i) & "()"
For j = 0 To nArrayCount
x "redim " & aNames(j) & "( " & UBound( aData ) - 1 & " )"
Dim j
Dim actual
actual = 0
For i = 1 To UBound( aData )
sLine = aData( i )
If sLine <> vbnullstring Then
actual = actual + 1
aContent = Split( sLine, "," )
For j = 0 To nArrayCount
x aNames(j) & "(" & i - 1 & ")=" & Chr(34) & aContent(j) & Chr(34)
End If
For j = 0 To nArrayCount
x "redim preserve " & aNames(j) & "(" & actual - 1 & ")"
For i = 0 To actual - 1
For j = 0 To nArrayCount
x "wscript.echo aNames(" & j & ")," & aNames(j) & "(" & i & ")"
Sub x( s )
'wscript.echo s
executeglobal s
End Sub
The result looks like this
>cscript "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\Desktop\datathing.vbs"
Dog_Names Woof
Dog_Ages 3
Collar_Size 4
Dog_Names Bowser
Dog_Ages 2
Collar_Size 5
Dog_Names Ruffy
Dog_Ages 4.5
Collar_Size 6
Dog_Names Angel
Dog_Ages 1
Collar_Size 7
Dog_Names Demon
Dog_Ages 7
Collar_Size 8
Dog_Names Dog
Dog_Ages 9
Collar_Size 2
>Exit code: 0 Time: 0.338
boost - as I understand it ExecuteGlobal (and Execute) are only available in VBScript but not in VBA?