




I am trying to internationalize a UIBinder application with property files. Since we have already a lot of translations exposed by the interface (GWT 1.7.1), we would like to reuse these messages.

I have tried the following:

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt;
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""

   <res:msg key="email">Emaileke</res:msg>:
   <g:TextBox ui:field="email" />

The MessageConstants class looks like this:

public interface MessageConstants extends Messages {
 String email();

However, this does not work. How can I do this?

+5  A: 

There is a known issue with the UiBinder in combination with internationalization, see also this recent thread on the gwt bugtracker:

In comment 4 a solution is given:

If your UiBinder file is called, say, 'LoginView.ui.xml' then call the properties file (yes 'LoginView' appears twice) and put it next to the view's java file in the source package, so altogether you'll have 3 files:

Thanks, nice info in the comments on that issue - the whole i18n with UiBinder seems still rough on the edges to me, I wish the GWT team would make it less "hacky".
Igor Klimer
You may also want to check out the python script proposed with GWTP to centralize your localized strings in the same file:
Philippe Beaudoin

I had (actually, have) the same problem as you do - after migrating to GWT 2.0 I had a properties file I wanted to use in my UiBinder files. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work like I wanted to - it seems the GWT devs want people to use the syntax described in the i18n guide for UiBinder - where a Message interface is created during compile for every UiBinder template, etc.

Anyway, you can still use external Messages interfaces like this:

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt;
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
    <ui:with field='cc' type=''/>
    <ui:with field='res' type=''/>
        .required {
      color: red;
      font-weight: bold;
    .right {
      text-align: right;    
    .textBox {
      margin-right: 7px;
    <g:HTMLPanel styleName='{} {}' ui:field='mainPanel'>
        <h2 ui:field='loginHeader' />
      <h3 ui:field='loginLabel' />
      <div class='{style.textBox}'><g:TextBox ui:field="loginBox" /></div>
      <h3 ui:field='passwordLabel' />
    <div class='{style.textBox}'><g:PasswordTextBox ui:field="passwordBox" /></div>
    <div><g:CheckBox ui:field='rememberMeCheckBox' text='{cc.rememberMeCheckboxText}' /></div>
    <div class='{style.right}'><g:Button ui:field='submitButton' text='{cc.loginSubmitButtonText}' /></div>

Though, that only works for stuff like Button's title, etc, not content of divs :/ You can fill those in the class behind the UiBinder template, but there should be a better way.

I was hoping that you could set the inner HTML via innerHTML (since UiBinder should recognize that method and allow to set it's value via XML/UiBinder template) but alas, last time I checked it didn't work :/

Igor Klimer