Wait is not waiting for all child processes to stop. This is my script:
titlename=`echo "$@"|sed 's/\..\{3\}$//'`
screen -X title "$titlename"
/usr/lib/process.bash -verbose $@
bash -c "mail.bash $@"
screen -X title "$titlename.Done"
I don't have access to /usr/lib/process.bash, but it is a script that changes frequently, so I would like to reference it... but in that script:
#lots of random stuff
/usr/lib/runall $path $auto $params > /dev/null 2>&1&
My problem is that runall creates a log file... and mail.bash is suppose to mail me that log file, but the wait isn't waiting for runall to finish, it seems to only be waiting for process.bash to finish. Is there anyway, without access to process.bash, or trying to keep my own up to date version of process.bash, to make the wait properly wait for runall to finish? (The log file overwrites the previous run, so I can't just check for the presence of the log file, since there is always one there)
Thanks, Dan