This question is from an exam I had, and I couldn't solve it and wanted to see what the answer is (this is not homework, as it will not help me in anything but knowledge).
We need to create a data structure for containing elements whose keys are real numbers.
The data structure should have these functions:
Build(S, array): Builds the data structure S with n elements in O(n)
Insert(S, k) and Delete(S, x) in O(lgn) (k is an element, x is a pointer to it in the data structure)
Delete-Minimal-Positive(S): Remove the element with the minimal positive key
Mode(S): returns the key that is most frequent in S in O(1)
Now, building in O(n) usually means a heap should be used, but that does not allow to find frequencies. I couldn't find any way to do this so. Best I could come up with is building a Red-Black-Tree (O(nlgn)) that will be used to build a frequency heap.
I'm dying to know the answer...