



Hi All,

I currently have a solution in VS 2005 which I attempted to trim down as it currently contains 150+ projects. As I don't know the solution that well, I am looking at set info, such as the references and the project dependencies within the solution.. In doing so, I have been able to remove approx 15-20 projects from the solution with out too much effort (these projects were NOT dependencies of other projects according to the info)

To make sure this works, I run it locally using VS 2005 and my build completes.. However, when I run the solution in TeamCity I get the following errors (multiple times):

**********.obj error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl ABC::XYZ(void)" (?XYZ@_ABC@@SAXXZ)


*******.lib(dictionary1.obj) error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static void (__cdecl* DBProxy4Class::m_pRangeCreate)(void * *,long *,long *)" (?m_pRangeCreate@ProxyClass@@0P6AXPAPAXPAJ1@ZA)

I have looked up possible causes, with the number one answer being.. "Most often, when the linker is failing to detect a static method it is due to forgetting to really define it somewhere.."; also, this suggests that the implementation file is not linked.

But I'm struggling to see why this would work VS 2005 and not in TeamCity

Note* I am using the 2005 sln runner