




First of all I know there is a spark VolumeBar component but, for design requirements I can't use it..

I'm trying to create a custom component but heights are not responding as should


This is were I call the class

<components:VolumeSlider steps="4" height="100" />

The problem is that the volume slider is adapting perfectly, but My custom items component doesn't.

<s:HGroup width="100%" height="100%" maxHeight="{height}" >
        <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" paddingBottom="20" paddingTop="20">
            <s:VSlider id="slider" width="100%" height="100%" maximum="{_steps-1}" />

        <s:VGroup id="items" width="100%" height="100%" />

            import mx.events.FlexEvent;

            private var _steps:uint = 10;

            public function set steps( value:uint ):void
                _steps = value;

                if ( items != null && items.numChildren != 0 )


            private function create():void
                for ( var i:uint = 0; i < _steps; ++i )
                    var item:VolumeSliderItem = new VolumeSliderItem();
                    item.percentHeight = item.percentWidth = 100;
                    if ( items != null )items.addElement(item );


where VolumeSliderItem is a spark button


I don't see any call to create(). I added 'creationComplete="create()"' on the Application tag, and then it created 10 sliders to the VGroup with id 'items'. Is that what you're looking for?

is inside set steps...
Xavi Colomer
But the 'steps' setter doesn't get called in your code, so neither does create().
Yes, I just updated the question to add a little more information.I'm trying createChildren, updateDisplayList... but i didn't find it yet.
Xavi Colomer
So, am I correct in assuming that that block of code is in a component file called 'VolumeSlider'? If so, can you show the whole thing including the root tag?