



A discussion I had today at work with one co worker.

Is it worth creating a separate method, if it is going to be called just from a single location?. True, may be in the future you will have to call it from more places, but for the sake of the argument let's assume that it is known that it will never be called from any other place.

If yes: why? or when (under what conditions)?

If not: why not? And what would be the minimum number of callers a method must have?

Results: "Yes" won 12 to 0

+18  A: 

Yes, if it helps readability and/or testability. Consider a method which does "quite a lot of work" (e.g. "get the specified web page") where the work can be broken up into individual steps, each of which only needs a few bits of information from the previous steps. Breaking up that work makes each step more testable and readable: you can get a high level view of what the method is doing by reading the steps in turn, and you can easily focus on any one particular step by reading the code for just that step.

Jon Skeet
+66  A: 

Yes. Long methods are hard to read and maintain.

Logically related operations should be moved to one method. For example:

public void buildHouse() {

So, at least three important characteristics:

  • readability - that is far more readable than if all the code required for building the house was in this method body.

  • maintainability - imagine if you had 500 lines of mixed code for building the house, and you had to debug a problem in the roof.

  • testability - unit testing is also something to consider. You might want to test each operation separately.

Update: recently I was asked this question on an interview, and they introduced me to a downside I was surprised with - performance. In case you are going to have thousands of subsequent calls to your method, then having additional method calls inside it damages performance, even though putting a method call on the stack isn't that much expensive per-se. Of course this is a very rare case and you must be certain that performance will really suffer (by benchmarking it)

+1 Read *and* maintain. The longer a method is, the more variables it tends to have, and the more interactions they tend to have. I once inherited a single C function that was (I kid you not) 40k of source code. IIRC, it was just over a thousand lines long. It also featured `case` clauses going on for a couple of hundred lines and `goto` statements [[shudder]] -- and yet they were by far the least of its problems.
T.J. Crowder
@T.J. Crowder thanks, added the key word "maintain"
+1 and i'll throw in that even if you're not using it for anything else *right now* it's plain to see that you might find yourself in a situation where you want to utilize `putBricks` without building a house.
David Hedlund
I still try to follow not more then one screen full rule. Of course I use a tiny font and I have 1840x1600 res but its the idea that counts.
by popular vote
our checkstyle rules limit a method code to 50 lines here. much easier to read than 8 screens methods
+6  A: 

If code reuse is not an issue, then readability is. Creating separate method for each functionally complete code block makes is more understandable, if you give it a right name.

+2  A: 

The answer, at least for me, is pretty much always yes. If you were writing a public method called "CSVFileToDataTable", it'd probably be quite a long method, which could be refactored into:

public DataTable CSVFileToDataTable(string pathToCSVFile)
   string[] lines = GetLinesFromCSVFile(pathToCSVFile);

   var headers = GetHeadersFromCSVFile(pathToCSVFile);

   // uses the headers to create column names and the data in the "lines" to infer datatypes
   var data = GetDataTableStructure(headers, lines);

   PopulateDataTable(data, lines);

   return data;

That example is a lot easier to read, and debug, IMO =)

+1 -- Hindering debugging is a key point to long functions that is often overlooked. Would you rather see a call stack that leads to a 3000 line function or a 10 line function?
Austin Salonen
@Austin, Yup, I couldn't agree more, particularly if (for whatever reason, be it technical, comercial, political), you're unable to deploy PDBs with the code, smaller functions make life a *lot* easier.
+1  A: 

In addition to the maintainability and readability factors, it greatly aids running a debugger when functionality is grouped. (This is more relevant for functions than methods.) If you can simply skip over a function, it is generally easier than trying to set a break after the inlined functionality.

William Pursell
+2  A: 

Yes. If the method does just one thing, then it can easily be tested. Of course you can test any method, but as soon as the complexity increases it is more difficult to ensure test coverage of all decision paths.

Its internal state becomes encapsulated, therefore more predictable. Ever debugged a long method and found that another part of the same code was using "i" as a counter also?

By the same token, code maintenance/ bug fixes are also easier because you can more easily find the source of an error. Imagine a task that does three things and it takes about 25 lines of code. Ask yourself, would you rather debug 25 lines of code, or debug "first thing", "second thing" , "third thing"?

Give methods descriptive names and document their possible in/out behaviour. For example: This method returns the item or it returns null when the item is not found. Try not to let methods have unexpected side-effects, i.e. changing global variables.

Jennifer Zouak
+2  A: 

Coding is about communicating your intent. If a method helps make your intent clear, then it is absolutely worth it.

A method can give a name to an operation that might otherwise be unclear. For example, let's say you wanted to check if a number is even:

if(n % 2 == 0)

Anyone who reads that line must understand the modulo operator, then reverse-engineer the trick, to finally realize what is being checked. This is much more intention-revealing:


It also tells the reader exactly why the modulo operator is being used:

private static bool IsEven(int n)
    return n % 2 == 0;
Bryan Watts
I agree with the general point, but the modulo example is way too simple. Programmers that don't know that (n % 2 == 0) tests whether `n` is even should consider a change of careers.
The simplicity is why I chose it. The widely-known nature of the technique doesn't make it any more readable, just less opaque. Using `IsEven` requires less mental work, regardless of whether you already know the trick.
Bryan Watts
Personally I hate code like this, mostly because it makes it a pain to debug. If something isn't working correctly and I find an IsEven function I have to go off jumping through source code and stack traces to follow a simple operation. Code that doesn't even require the introduction of any local variables should just stay in the original method.
@Clueless: Thanks for the downvote. You must hate debugging in general, with all those methods to sully up your following the path of execution. If your worldview is that programming is about the amount of text you create, and not about the expression of intent to the reader, then your ability to communicate effectively to your readers will plateau prematurely. They might be able to mentally parse your pockets of inline code, but you aren't really helping them understand what the code is doing.
Bryan Watts

Yes. In addition to previously stated reasons - you would probably want to unit-test your code (at least you should). Smaller methods makes this a lot easier. Splitting the code up in seperate methods will also function as a kind of commenting - as long as your method names are good.

+1  A: 

Yes -- primarily for readability but consider your sanity when debugging later. If you have error reporting that logs the call stack, would you rather have to wade through the long function or jump to one of the smaller methods as specified by the call stack?

Also consider the cyclomatic complexity when you have to test the big methods.

Austin Salonen
+1  A: 

Yes, I like to think of code in terms of Legos.

The more focused and discrete methods and functions are (smaller Legos) the more flexible they are when being rearranged without having to modify existing code. Big lumbering methods and functions (large Legos), not so much.

Dana Holt
+1 for the Lego analogy. I may borrow that one...
Austin Salonen
@Austin - lol, be my guest. It has served me well. :)
Dana Holt

Any method you write that does something useful will eventually be used else where. If you write it well it will be easy to generisze and will become more useful with time. One large blob of code that you need an hour to figure out what it does will never be useful somewhere else.

Of course you can take this to the extream and then have thousands of unused underused or duplicated functions, but thats just a part of maintaining a large body of code.

+2  A: 

If you read any of the suggested advice by Bob Martin (Uncle Bob) or various other articles on the topics of good design and clean code I think you will find there is consensus that YES, every method should be broken out even if it is only used once.

There are a couple of reasons:

  1. Code readability, if you name the method something like ProcessUserGroup, that is much more readable than 8 lines of code and a comment at the top that says "//Process user group" sprinkled in...

  2. Single Responsibility Principle, each method should be responsible for handling its own Action and any methods within that method should be responsible for handling their own actions, etc. etc. This creates a very clean and modular world in your code, and makes unit testing each method independently substantially easier.

  3. Cyclomatic Complexity, typically breaking your code out into individual methods will reduce cyclomatic complexity.

  4. In most real world scenarios, eventually that method will probably find a use again, more often than not when designing software a method I though would never ever, be used more than once, has been used more than once later down the road. This is obviously not always the case but it is another reason...

I can not think of a single reason NOT to break a method out, especially with todays Refactoring tools built into nearly all development IDE's it takes mere seconds to break a code out into its own method. It should ALWAYS be done, and when you have put several hours, days, months into that part of the application and are done and go back you will appreciate breaking those methods out, and so will the other developers on your project.
