I am currently enrolled in a programming class and we are covering recurrence relations. I was just wondering if, ever these actually get used on the job. If so, I'd love to hear some examples of when it is useful.
While you're unlikely to directly use the mathematics behind recurrence relations in your day-to-day coding, learning about them helps reinforce the general skill of thinking recursively, which is an exceptionally valuable (and practical!) skill.
Yes. You use recurrence all the time.
XML structures can be recursive.
The directory tree is recursive.
Tree search is recursive.
Among other things - college teaches you how to learn and how to think in new ways. Will you use the actual mathamatics behind recurrence relations - maybe not, but mastering it will help teach your brain new patterns of thinking that you will use every day as a programmer.
One of the things I learned in my study is you don't want to learn, you want to learn how to think and to learn.