



This question extends beyond the Facebook library and is really a general architecture question. I am using the Facebook AS3 lib which has a FacebookSession class. The class contains data for a facebook session so that I can make authenticated calls to the Facebook API.

I am using the Facebook API all over my Flex app and I am tempted to store it in a Singleton class. I think this is a pretty good option but was wondering if someone had a different point of view for a possible Architecture.


+1  A: 

How large is your application going to be? You could consider using a framework like PureMVC ( It helps to decide where to put certain things (In this case, your FaceBookSession would be placed inside a Proxy in PureMVC).

Otherwise, a singleton sounds good enough.

Not too large. I'm guessing less than 5000 lines of code. Using PureMVC is a good idea but I want to focus on the concept here. In other words, the answer "use a framework and it gets put in the right place" is not sufficient. Maybe if you explain what a Proxy is and how that can be a better option that can help. Thanks!
+2  A: 

Building off Pbirkoff's answer, I would recommend using an MVC approach whether or not you decide to go with an explicit framework to make that happen.

In that case, FacebookSession would be a model class, and I usually like to have model be a top-level package (after all the com.domainname stuff). So in this case I might do something like com.tony.model.facebook.FacebookSession for the package structure.

For a small project like yours, a Singleton is fine. Once the codebase grows much larger, singletons become dangerous because now you have a lot of global state and this can get messy if you have a ton of classes accessing the singleton from all over the code (see, because it breaks loose coupling.

Once your project gets larger you can look into using dependency injection to avoid this singleton problem. In this case a framework like Swiz, etc. can come in handy.


