Hi, I am using SVN for source code management on a Classic ASP app that I develop/support. I maintain several versions of the app as required by my company:
- Discovery/playground version - where I do all the work. My Working Copy
- Dev/Test versions (no access to these sites/servers)
- Live version (no access to these sites/servers)
Here is when I run into trouble:
- Work is done on Project A and is committed
- Project A is promoted to Dev/Test using an export from the log
- There is a problem with Project A and it is stalled in Dev/Test
- Project B comes along, is prepared and committed
- Project B now builds on Project A, but there are parts of Project A not ready for prime time
Short of just "be careful not to screw anything up," is there anything I can do to make sure that parts of projects can stall in the development process without holding up everything?
The necessity of a web server in the process seems to be causing me problems. I know that I can branch Project A when it goes to Dev/Test, and then merge it back to the trunk when it is live. Also that way I can revert my playground from before the branch and do Project B without anything from Project A having a chance to go live accidentally. However, then I can't play with Project A on my playground site. Do I have to spawn a new playground site for each branch?
I know that this is probably too specific to my situation with all its constraints, but I'm hoping somebody else has experienced something similar to my situation.
Here is my current solution: Maintenance fixes - changes that could go immediately to production - can get made in WC and committed to the trunk. Anything that has dependencies on a project gets branched. Working copies along the test path can be switched to point to that branch to test a project. Branches have to be kept up to date, and we can use commit hooks to keep people notified. When a branch is ready to be deployed to production, it gets merged back to the trunk and deployed.
This makes sense and would work, right?