



Hi, i am currently working on a project which deals with the reading of satellite images of ".0FM" format and its size is around 8Mb. Now i have been successful in converting the file("*.0FM") content into a byte array. Now the byte array has integer values ranging from 0 - 255. I have to display this byte array in a picturebox control. Below is the code that i have implemented, (it runs without errors, but nothing is displayed...) code:

Bitmap^ bmp = gcnew Bitmap( 3000 , 3000 );

 long int ct = 0; //...declared as long as there are 80,00,000 elements in buf_int array
 int i,j;

 pictureBox1->Width = 3000;
 pictureBox1->Height = 3000;

for(i=0 ; i<300 ; i++)  
for(j=0 ; j<300 ; j++)  
   bmp->SetPixel(i,j,Color::FromArgb((int)buf_int[ct] ));  
   pictureBox1->Image = bmp;  


Plz do help me out on this one, Thanks.....