



Some months ago there was a nice question regarding a "1:n matching problem" and there seems to be no poly-time algorithm.

I would like to add constraints to find a maximum matching for the 1:n matching problem with a polynomial algorithm. I would like to say: "For vertex A1 choose either {B1,B2,B5} or {B2,B3} if the vertices are not already taken from another A-vertex" i.e. I would not allow all possible combinations.

This could be expressed if we introduce helper vertices H for each choice and substitute edges with trees => we get a problem similar to the ordinary bipartite matching. Every vertex of A or B can have only one edge in the matching. The edges to or from vertices in H are either all in the matching or none of them is present in the matching. Imagine the following tri-partite graph:

alt text

Now define h_ij="tree rooted that contains H_ij" to express the matching easily:

  • Then in the example M={h12,h22} would be one 'maximum' matching, although not all vertices from B are involved
  • The set {h12,h23} is not a matching because then B3 would have be choosen twice.

Would this problem then be solvable in polynomial time? If yes, is there a polytime solution for the weighted (w(h_ij)) variant? If no, could you argue or even proof it for a "simple-man" like me or suggest other constraints to solve the 1:n matching problem?

E.g. could the graph transformed to a general graph which then could be solved with the weighted matching for general graphs? Or could branchings or even matching forests help here?

PS: not a homework ;-)

+3  A: 

There is a difference between maximal and maximum. I have assumed you meant maximum for the below writeup.

You don't seem to have defined your problem very clearly, but if I have understood your intent correctly, It seems like your problem is NP complete (and 'equivalent' to Set Packing).

We can assume that the allowed sets sizes is the same (k) for all A_i to find a [1:k] matching, as any other set size can be ignored. To find max k, we just run the algorithm for [1:k] for k = 1,2,3.. etc.

So your problem is (I think...):

Given m set families F_i = {S_1i, .., S_n(i)i} (|F_i| = size of F_i = n(i), need not be same as |F_j|), each set of size k, you have to find one set from each family (say S_i) such that

  • S_i and S_j are disjoint for any i neq j.
  • number of S_i's is maximum.

We can show that it is NP-Complete for k=3 in two steps:

  1. The NP-Complete problem Set Packing can be reduced it. This shows that it is NP-Hard.
  2. Your problem is in NP and can be reduced to Set Packing. This and 1) implies your problem is NP-Complete. It also helps you leverage any approximation/randomized algorithms already existing for Set-Packing.

Set Packing is the problem:

Given n sets S_1, S_2, ..., S_n, find the maximum number of pairwise disjoint sets among these.

This problem remains NP-Complete even if |S_1| = |S_2| = ... = |S_n| = 3 and is called the 3-Set packing problem.

We will use this to show that your problem is NP-Hard, by providing an easy reduction from 3-Set packing to your problem.

Given S_1, S_2, .., S_n just form the families

F_i = {S_i}.

Now if your problem had a polynomial time solution, then we get a set of Sets {S_1, S_2, ..., S_r} such that

  • S_i and S_j are disjoint
  • Number of S_i is maximum.

This easy reduction gives us a solution to the 3-set Packing problem and thus your problem is NP-Hard.

To see that this problem is in NP, we reduce it to Set-Packing as follows:

Given F_i = {S_1i, S_2i, ..., S_ni}

we consider the sets T_ji = S_ji U {i} (i.e. we add an id of the family into the set itself) and run them through the Set-Packing algorithm. I will leave it to you to see why a solution to Set-Packing gives a solution to your problem.

For a maximal solution, all you need is a greedy algorithm. Just keep picking up sets till you can pick no more. This would be polynomial time.

Thanks a lot for your answer! I corrected the 'maximal' mistake according to your suggestion and now I will read your answer carefully :-)
sorry for my vague definition of the problem :-( hmmh, I meant that k could be still different for each vertex in A. But if a 'static' k is already NP complete ... I don't assume too much for my wider range problem definition.To your explanation: Do you meant that n(i) is the number of trees/choices per vertex in A? And the only difference to the 1:1 matching is that the 1:1 problem is a 2-Set packing problem, right? And what do you mean with T_ji = S_ji U {i}: which vertex do we use to extend S_ji and why?
Yes n(i) is the number of choices per A. Yes 2-Set packing is maximum matching. Each set is {u,v} where the edge is between u and v in the graph. Suppose A1 was allowed S_11 = {B1,B2,B5} and S_12 = {B2, B3, B7}, then the new sets you make are T_11 = {B1,B2,B5,A1} and T_12 = {B2,B3,B7,A1}. Because of the presence of A1 in both these sets, you can choose at most one among them, when you find a Set-Packing.
ah, ok! Thanks a lot for all the clarifications! Now I understand the basics of your proof :-) I hope I will understand the "NP reduction" this week ...
Now that I am a bit more comfortable with the NP-complete class stuff, I have one more question: How will the proof looks like if we have a polytime matching (i.e. |S_1|=|S_2|=|S_3|=..= 1), at which step the proof will fail?**BTW**: I think you mean that k could be 2 or greater and even then problem is NP complete - instead of 3 or greater, right? Because of the presence of A_i in all sets!?
@Karussell: No, I mean k>=3, as proving NP-Hardness requires taking an NP-Complete problem (in this case 3-Set Packing) and reducing it to your problem. You seem to be confusing it be going the other way round. I don't understand your first question.
ok. For the first question I meant: there are special graphs and circumstances where the maximum independent set problem could be solved in polytime. e.g. see this why can I be sure that the 1:k treematching is not such a special graph which can be used in polytime? E.g. because it has no claws?
We can reduce 3-Set packing to the general "1:k" tree matching. Of course, you could impose additional constraints to change that. No idea what constraints though. Sorry.
ok, thanks a lot. I learned a lot! :-)