I have 4 textures used in a multi-pass effect with the color map at the highest quality - which for this example is 512x512. Currently the Normal, Specular & Parallax maps are the same dimensions. The additional maps are taking a significant portion of VRAM. This seems incredibly wasteful.
My intention is to reduce the size of the multipass maps.
Color - 512x512 Normal - 256x256 (50% of original to keep enough detail) Specular - 256x256 (50% of original, once again to maintain detail) Parallax - 128x128 (25% of original as a blurred parallax could be beneficial - or so I'm told)
My question is, can I reduce the ratio's of the normal, specular & parallax maps further? Do these ratios seem reasonable? What ratios should I be using?
Thanks, Chris