




i have a working Core Video setup (a frame captured from a USB camera via QTKit) and the current frame is rendered as a texture on an arbitary plane in 3d space in a subclassed NSOpenGLView. so far so good but i would like to use some Core Image filter on this frame. i now have the basic code setup and it renders my unprocessed video frame like before, but the final processed output CIImage is rendererd as a screen aligned quad into the view. it feels like a image blitted over my 3d rendering. this is what i do not want!

i am looking for a way to process my video frame (a CVOpenGLTextureRef) with Core Image and just render the resulting image on my plane in 3d. do i have to use offscreen rendering (store viewport, set new viewport and modelview and perspective matrices and render into a FBO) or is there any easier way?

thanks in advance!