




is it 'legal' to host GPL and non-GPL source code in the same svn repository, or would that imply that all code in that repository becomes GPL? The difference sources are in a layout like this:


We want to keep the bsd-code under bsd, for the time being. Note that creating a separate repository is obviously a solution, but I am interested in the layout as shown above.

Thanks for advice or pointers.

+1  A: 

IANAL but I don't see why it would make any difference what repository the code is in. So long as you don't call any GPL code from BSD code.

We actually do call the GPL code, but the GPL code is an *optional* plugin. We want to keep the application GPL free as long as that plugin is not used...Thanks for the reply :-)
Peer Gynt
+1  A: 

Merely holding GPL'd code in the same repository as other code doesn't trigger any of the clauses in the GPL. The GPL only applies to actual distributions of an application in source or binary form.

(Standard disclaimer: IANAL)

+3  A: 

GPL cares about linking and distribution, not what directories files sit in.

Merely putting GPL code in the same repository doesn't mean a thing. However, if you want to do that, there's a good chance you are trying to compile and/or link the code with some of yours, and that could be an issue. But even then, it would only be an issue if you try to distribute the result to someone outside of your company.

+1 right. The GPL kicks in when you you distribute the object code that results from compiling source that mixes GPL code with other code.
Charles Stewart
Thanks for the answer!An application has the choice to link against the bsd part of the repository, against the gpl part, or against both. As soon as it link against the GPL part, the application will be GPL. Thats fine. We want to ensure, however, that the application stays BSD if it links only against the bsd part.
Peer Gynt

GPL cares about LINKING, not distribution (Most Linux distros distribute GPL and non-GPL code together). You can store these things wherever you like. One bit of advice, though. Make it VERY clear which part of your repository has the GPL code in it - to the point even of having a separate "gpl" directory or something like that. If your organization is more than a few people, you can't guarantee that someone else is going to read all the licenses before assembling pieces they find in the repo into something new, and they may accidentally trigger the GPL.
