




I need to generate custom SIDs for users in my web application for use with Microsoft AzMan. What is the best way to do this? What do I need to know before doing this?

This is what I'm thinking, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something:

S-1-9-1234-{user_id + 1000}

S-{first revision}-{resource manager authority}-{domain (unique number for the specific app)}-{unique id for user}

UPDATE: Changed to resource manager authority because of David Crawford's blog entry: http://blogs.msdn.com/dc995/archive/2006/08/23/715021.aspx


It is not clear what attack you are attempting to defend against. If you want this value to be unpredictable then what you are missing is a Cryptogrpahic Nonce. The application ID and the UserId should be randomly generated large numbers. The idea behind David Crawford's token is that no 2 applications will ever generate the same id, which is a valid approach to generate a nonce for applications that are widely distributed.

The problem with using "user_id + 1000" is that it is trivial to predict.

To generate unique id that is also extremely difficult to predict (A Cryptogrpahic Nonce) you should do the following. First you should start with a very large randomly generated number, then append the current timestamp and pass it all to a message digest function such as md4. Md4 generates a number that is 2^128 in size and usually in base16. Keep in mind that collision generation does not compromise the integrity of a nonce, so md4 or md5 is perfectly acceptable from a secuirty perspective. Note, that there is a lot of disagreement over what the best random number generator is, but keep in mind that a random number generator can generate the same number twice, but the current time stamp is always unique for that execute frame.

I'm not trying to prevent an attack. I'm just trying to generate a custom SID to identify a user in Microsoft AzMan since that's all it supports. I have a method to generate it now, I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong.
Max Schmeling
Huh, then you should probably remove the "secuirty" tag on this post. Good luck!
I don't get why you took the security tag off of my question... the question is about how to generate security identifiers for use in Microsofts RBAC system...
Max Schmeling
"I'm not trying to prevent an attack." So then what are you trying to do? The whole point of "security" is preventing attacks. You can add the tag back, but you should also add what attack you are trying to stop otherwise you won't get a valid answer.