



Hello folks. I use Perl for just about everything on my server side. What I am dealing with now is the need to find something on the server side that can handle computational tasks easily and quickly (specifically financial data). I am crunching a lot of numbers and this crunching needs to be done on the fly in some cases (for display on a webpage) and in others, it needs to be done for purposes of caching. Does anyone have any recommendations or advice they'd like to share? Many thanks!


It really depends on your webserver. If you're running on IIS then C# under some flavor of ASP.NET is probably going to be the way to go, for Apache I'd look into php.

+1  A: 

I'm no Perl aficionado but I don't see a reason why it couldn't work for what you are doing.

Steven Huwig
+3  A: 

IMHO when I see someone asking this kind of question I would ** NEVER ** think to consider PHP server side as a language to handle hard core computational tasks, much less Perl (but only because the person asking apparently has realized that he has hit a wall using Perl).

Regarding financial data I can see where needing to compute, let's say, moving averages on the fly would be very intensive and not appropriate for Perl. I am thinking that you probably need a series of routines, each handling a dedicated task, done in C++. You could use Perl along with those C++ routines.

I did see Java recommended on here but it seems that the whole process of the virtual machine would slow things down. Not being a java expert I'm not sure though.


I'd use Java or Scala but I'm biased.
