I think it's better for the user if you provide exponential fitting.
Javascript has Math.pow(a,b) which calculates ab.
The setting makes more sense if you map range [0,100] to [25%,400%], because then 50 is at the exact midpoint and can be made easily to map too 100%. 50 points on the slider then correspond to division or multiplication by four, so you can set
scaling = Math.pow(2,(slider - 50) / 25);
So then you get the mapping below:
slider scaling
0 2**-2 = 1/4 = 25%
25 2**-1 = 1/2 = 50%
50 2**0 = 1 = 100%
75 2**1 = 2 = 200%
100 2**2 = 4 = 400%
Now I see that this doesn't answer your question completely because your scale is [1,100] instead of [0,100], and you want to reach 500% instead of 400%.
To get there, you can first normalize the slider:
slider_n = (slider - 1) * (100/99);
(this maps [1,100] to [0,100]), and then, if you want, multiply positive values of the exponent by (log 5)/(log 4) so that your scale ends at 500%, i.e.
exp = (slider_n - 50) / 25.0;
if (exp > 0) exp = exp * Math.log(5)/Math.log(4);
scaling = Math.pow(2,exp);