



I am dealing with a project designed for iPhone OS 2.0 and I am intending to keep compatibility with this version while offering new OS 3.x functionality.

When I set the base SDK to iPhone OS 3.1.3 and Target OS for 2.0, Xcode gives me this error during compilation.

'stdint.h' file not found /Developer/usr/lib/clang/1.0.1/include/stdint.h:32:16: fatal error: 'stdint.h' file not found

The strange thing is that the file is there, on the path it says it is not.

if I set the target OS for 3.x the problem vanishes.

how to solver that?

thanks for any help.

+3  A: 

It looks like you are trying to use Clang LLVM to compile your iPhone project. That is not supported at the current time for iPhone applications, only GCC is.

Brad Larson
thanks for the answer, but where do I check this? As far as I know I have done nothing to change the compiler from gcc...
Digital Robot
Under the build settings for your project and target, look for the "C/C++ Compiler Version" setting and make sure it says GCC 4.2, not LLVM GCC 4.2 or Clang LLVM 1.0.
Brad Larson
thanks! You are the man!
Digital Robot