Is it possible to gain access to a delegate method that will allow additional actions to be performed when the "clear" button is pressed on a UITextField / UISearchBar?
Is it possible to gain access to a delegate method that will allow additional actions to be performed when the "clear" button is pressed on a UITextField / UISearchBar?
See: UITextFieldDelegate Protocol Reference
If you set your view controller as the delegate for your text field (can be done in interface builder), you can use:
- (void)clearSearchTextField
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldClear:(UITextField *)textField
if (textField == self.searchTextField) [self clearSearchTextField];
return YES;
When you clear the text field several events will happen that you will have access to through either the UISearchDisplayDelegate or the UISearchBarDelegate such as searchBar:textDidChange and searchDisplayController:shouldReloadTableForSearchString
This will also cause the search table to hide so it will trigger searchDisplayController:willHideSearchResultsTableView and searchDisplayController:didHideSearchResultsTableView]
When the search table will hide you can check if the search text is empty and then do whatever you need to do.