the quality of saved image will lose when i'm using this method ...
UIImage *img=imageview1.image;
the quality of saved image will lose when i'm using this method ...
UIImage *img=imageview1.image;
I don't know how to do it in the SDK, but though the UI, if you copy + paste the image into a message, it keeps its full size. Perhaps there's some mechanism like that in the SDK (copy to clipboard)? Dunno. Hope it gives you an idea.
The function
NSData * UIImageJPEGRepresentation (
UIImage *image,
CGFloat compressionQuality
enables you to get the data representation of your image for the expected compression quality (1 is best).
Then you just have to write your NSData to the file system to get the JPEG file (using writeToURL:atomically:
on NSData
for instance).
The same can be applied to .PNG with the UIImagePNGRepresentation
The original doc :