




Hi all could you please help me find out the time complexity of the Fleury' algoritm(which is used to get the Eulerian circuit)? Searched on the web,but no results.


+2  A: 

Here: http://roticv.rantx.com/book/Eulerianpathandcircuit.pdf you can read among other things, that it is O(E), linear edge count.

Gabriel Ščerbák
It attributes the algorithm in my second link to Fleury, which is not supported by any other source I can find.
I am not familiar with that algorithm or that particular paper, so I cannot tell.
Gabriel Ščerbák
+5  A: 

Fleury's algorithm isn't really complete until you specify how the bridge edges are identified. Tarjan gave a linear-time algorithm for identifying all bridges (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_(graph_theory) ), so a naive implementation that reran Tarjan's algorithm after each deleted edge would be O(E^2). There are probably better ways to recompute the set of bridges, but there is also a better O(E) algorithm. (See http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Euler_tour#Fleury.27s_algorithm ; not my site :))