Woah, hang on a minute, you're a procrastinator (like me), and you're posting a question on SO about what desk environment would make you less of a procrastinator? (Ok, so I'm even answering, but I say that with love, not hypocrisy).
My suggestion is to have something that means Discipline to you. That is almost certainly what you lack. Forget all the other things you're doing to un-procrastinate yourself, all the productivity stuff, all the GTD stuff for the moment. Just decide that today you will not mess about - on the internet or otherwise, not daydreaming, not chattering, not following your flitting distractions.
I have a post-it by my monitor that looks like this:
Meaning (without showing myself up to colleagues or the boss); Focus and Discipline. Focus on the task, be disciplined in working and maintaining organisation.
GTD won't help, there is no cool way to become focused, there is no career path that allows it (except career==null).
I say this because I know enough to know my shortcoming, and enough to know the rational path out, but I am still deep inside the pit. So, come back to SO at 5pm, and until then, Focus on the job in hand, and be Disciplined.
Don't just take it from me:
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments." - Jim Rohn
"It is one of the strange ironies of this strange life that those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to achieve a goal, are the happiest men. When you see 20 or 30 men line up for a distance race in some meet, don't pity them, don't feel sorry for them. Better envy them instead." - Brutus Hamilton