




I am doing audio streaming now in my project, so suppose when iphone loose 3G signal or internet goes down then i think it give audio queue ind error.

Is it possible to do something so it would save last packet when signal or internet lost and it would be start from previous state when it was paused?. IS it possible to do that?.

Thanks, iPhoneMobDev.


Yes this is possible. But only if you launch your iPhone in an orbit around a large enough planet to swing back in time. For details just watch Star Trek, they do it all the time.

Once you are back in time, you can simply go back to the moment where you lost the stream and start capturing packets in a quantum buffer.

Take that quantum buffer back with you to the current present and you can play back the parts of the stream that you missed while your internet connection was down.

Was there any need for the sarcasm/condescension? Still funny though...