



Hi, I'm trying to access an HTTPS based web service URL from a web/ear application deployed on a Glassfish application server domain. We have obtained the certificate from the vendor that exposes the HTTPS URL What are the steps required for installing SSL certificates in order to access the web service ? (Though I know the outline, let me pretend I am layman) Thanks


You need to configure Glassfish for https?

or you need to install a client certificate in your browser?

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
My Glassfish itself need not serve any HTTPS based pages or authenticate any incoming request.All it has is an application(EAR|WAR) that would access an external HTTPS based web service. Thanks for the response :)
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Ah, not clear from the description. If you run under Java 6 then the easiest is to use IntelliJ to create sources for invoking the client (using annotations). Then you can "just" invoke that from your java code running in the WAR.
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
Well I wasn't running Java 6/IntelliJHowever the link you posted as very informative.
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+1  A: 

What are the steps required for installing SSL certificates in order to access the web service ?

If the certificate is a self-signed certificate or hasn't be signed by a CA for which the JVM already has a root CA like Thawte, Verisign, etc, you'll have to add it to a client trust store and to configure the web service client or GlassFish (which is a client here) to use this trust store to establish a chain of trust.

To import the stand-alone certificate into a trust store, use keytool. This post explains how to use it (see the section Creating Java Key and Trust Stores).

Then, configure the web service client to use this trust store. To do so, you'll need to define the system properties and maybe You can maybe do it at the GlassFish level (see this this post).

Pascal Thivent