The Fermat's little theorem approach is a mathematically sensible one, and just mulitplying over and over by 7 mod 10^6 is the simplest code, but there's another approach you could take that is computationally efficient (but requires more complex code). First, note that when multiplying by 7 the last digit depends only on the last digit before (i.e. we're doing everything mod 10). We multiply repeatedly by 7 to get
7 (4)9 (6)3 (2)1 (0)7 ...
Okay, great, so if we want a 3, we start at 7^3 and go up every 7^4 from there. Now, we note that when multiplying by 7^4, the last two digits depend only on the last two digits of 7^4 and the last two digits of the previous answer. 7^4 is 2401. So in fact the last two digits will always be the same when going up by 7^4.
What about the last three? Well, 7^3 = 343 and 7^4 ends with 401, so mod 1000 we get
343 543 743 943 143 343
We've got our first three digits in column #2 (543), and we see that the the sequence repeats ever 5, so we should go up from there by 7^20.
We can play this trick over and over again: find how often the next block of digits repeats, find the right subsequence within that block, and then multiply up not by 7 but by 7^n.
What we're really doing is finding a (multiplicative) ring over the m'th digit, and then multiplying the sizes of all the rings together to get the span between successive powers that have the same N digits if we follow this method. Here's some Scala code (2.8.0 Beta1) that does just this:
def powRing(bigmod: BigInt, checkmod: BigInt, mul: BigInt) = {
val powers = Stream.iterate(1:BigInt)(i => (i*mul)%bigmod)
powers.take( 2+powers.tail.indexWhere(_ % checkmod == 1) ).toList
def ringSeq(digits: Int, mod: BigInt, mul: BigInt): List[(BigInt,List[BigInt])] = {
if (digits<=1) List( (10:BigInt , powRing(mod,10,mul)) )
else {
val prevSeq = ringSeq(digits-1, mod, mul)
val prevRing = prevSeq.head
val nextRing = powRing(mod,prevRing._1*10,prevRing._2.last)
(prevRing._1*10 , nextRing) :: prevSeq
def interval(digits: Int, mul: Int) = {
val ring = ringSeq(digits, List.fill(digits)(10:BigInt).reduceLeft(_*_), mul)
(1L /: ring)((p,r) => p * (r._2.length-1))
So, if we've found one case of the digits that we want, we can now find all of them by finding the size of the appropriate ring. In our case, with 6 digits (i.e. mod 10^6) and base 7, we find a repeat size of:
scala> interval(6,7)
res0: Long = 5000
So, we've got our answer! 7^7 is the first, 7^5007 is the second, 7^10007 is the third, etc..
Since this is generic, we can try other answers...11^11 = 285311670611 (an 8 digit number). Let's look at the interval:
scala> interval(12,11)
res1: Long = 50000000000
So, this tells us that 11^50000000007 is the next number after 11^11 with the same initial set of 12 digits. Check by hand if you're curious!
Let's also check with 3^3--what's the next power of 3 whose decimal expansion ends with 27?
scala> interval(2,3)
res2: Long = 20
Should be 3^23. Checking:
scala> List.fill(23)(3L).reduceLeft((l,r) => {println(l*r) ; l*r})
(Switched code in edits to use BigInt so it could handle arbitrary numbers of digits. The code doesn't detect degenerate cases, though, so make sure you use a prime for the power....)