I'm trying to set up the android SDK to develop a simple program on the command line in linux (Ubuntun 9.10). I tried eclipse, but it has know problems running on Ubuntu, so I gave up on it. Here's what I've done so far:
downloaded android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
tar xvzf android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz
- ln -s android-sdk-linux_86 android
- in .tcshrc added setenv PATH .....:/home/user/android/tools
- source .tcshrc
- ran 'android'. This opened a gui. Under available packages: I installed everything, and quit the gui.
- ran 'android list targets' and It listed these:
Available Android targets:
id: 1 or "android-3" Name: Android 1.5 Type: Platform API level: 3 Revision: 1 Skins: HVGA-P, HVGA (default), QVGA-P, QVGA-L, HVGA-L
id: 2 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:3" Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Revision: 3 Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 1.5 (API level 3) Libraries: * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: QVGA-P, HVGA-L, HVGA (default), QVGA-L, HVGA-P
id: 3 or "android-4" Name: Android 1.6 Type: Platform API level: 4 Revision: 1 Skins: HVGA (default), WVGA800, WVGA854, QVGA
id: 4 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:4" Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Revision: 2 Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 1.6 (API level 4) Libraries: * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: WVGA854, HVGA (default), QVGA, WVGA800
id: 5 or "android-6" Name: Android 2.0.1 Type: Platform API level: 6 Revision: 1 Skins: WQVGA432, HVGA (default), WVGA800, WVGA854, WQVGA400, QVGA id: 6 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:6" Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Revision: 1 Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 2.0.1 (API level 6) Libraries: * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: WQVGA400, WVGA854, HVGA (default), WQVGA432, QVGA, WVGA800
id: 7 or "android-7" Name: Android 2.1 Type: Platform API level: 7 Revision: 1 Skins: WQVGA432, HVGA (default), WVGA800, WVGA854, WQVGA400, QVGA
id: 8 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:7" Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Revision: 1 Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 2.1 (API level 7) Libraries: * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: WQVGA400, WVGA854, HVGA (default), WQVGA432, QVGA, WVGA800
I want to create a simple hello world program for my motorola droid. Which of these targets should I use?
How do I see the Skins?
If I run 'android' from the command line it says that that there are no virtual devices. Is a virtual device the same as a target?
How do I get a droid skin and/or a droid target and/or a droid virtual device?
I THINK that I need to run something like 'android create avd --target 2 --name my_avd', but not sure. Is there a step-by-step list of how to do this somewhere?
thanks, Bob
Later: I figured out that I had to create targets (=virtual devices) like this:
android create avd -t 1 -n myavd1 .... android create avd -t 8 -n myavd8
This gave me 8 virtual devices in the gui when I ran 'android' from the command line.
Does anyone know what api level / platform to use for the Droid? And where to get the right skin? Is there anything hardware-specific that I need to know for Droid development?
Finally, are there any lists of steps to create a hello world app from the command line (linux) and run it on the emulator and then run it on a real phone?