This question was the last straw; and I've been wondering for a long time about it,
Why do people think about "Algorithms" and "Data structures" as about something that can be separated from each other?
I see a lot of evidence that they're separated in programmers' minds.
- they request "Data Structures & Algorithms" books
- they refer to "Data Structures" and "Algorithms" as separate university courses
- they "know Algorithms", but are "weak in Data Structures" (can't find the link, sorry).
- etc.
In my opinion "Data Structures" are algorithms, since the concept of "Data Structure" is about Algorithms to operate data that go in and out of the structures. But the opinion seems not a mainstream. What do I miss?
Edit: unfortunately, I did not formulate the question well. A separation of data structures and algorithms in programs people write is natural, since, well, the former is data, and the latter is functions (and in semi-functional frameworks like STL it's the core of the whole thing).
But the points above, and the question itself, refers to the way people think, to the way they arrange the knowledge in their heads. This doesn't have to even relate to the code writing.
Here are some links where people separate "algorithms" and "data structures" when they're the same thing: