Developing a heavily XML-based Java-application, I recently encountered an interesting problem on Ubuntu Linux.
My application, using the Java Plugin Framework, appears unable to convert a dom4j-created XML document to Batik's implementation of the SVG specification.
On the console, I learn that an error occurs:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation in interface itable initialization: when resolving method "org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMDocument.createAttribute(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/w3c/dom/Attr;" the class loader (instance of org/java/plugin/standard/StandardPluginClassLoader) of the current class, org/apache/batik/dom/svg/SVGOMDocument, and the class loader (instance of <bootloader>) for interface org/w3c/dom/Document have different Class objects for the type org/w3c/dom/Attr used in the signature at org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation.createDocument( at at
I figure that the problem is caused by a conflict between the original classloader from the JVM and the classloader deployed by the plugin framework.
To my knowledge, it's not possible to specify a classloader for the framework to use. It might be possible to hack it, but I would prefer a less aggressive approach to solving this problem, since (for whatever reason) it only occurs on Linux systems.
Has one of you encountered such a problem and has any idea how to fix it or at least get to the core of the issue?