I have an MXML file, which references an external script file for all its event handlers:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
<mx:Script source="LoginExample.as" />
<mx:Button id="btnGoodLogin" click="btnGoodLogin_onClick()" label="Good Login" enabled="true" y="28"/>
<mx:Button id="btnBadLogin" click="btnBadLogin_onClick()" label="Bad Login" enabled="true" y="28" x="112"/>
<mx:Button id="btnLogout" click="btnLogout_onClick()" label="Logout" enabled="true" y="28" x="219"/>
<mx:Button id="btnCheck" click="btnCheck_onClick()" label="Check" enabled="true" y="28" x="325"/>
<mx:Text id="txtResult" y="58" width="263"/>
The external file defines the handlers:
// LoginExample.as
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
function btnGoodLogin_onClick():void
// ...
function btnBadLogin_onClick():void
// ...
// etc. for other handlers
Every single one of these handlers, plus every other function defined in the script, results in a warning message from the compiler:
1084: function 'btnBadLogin_onClick' will be scoped to the default namespace: LoginExample: internal. It will not be visible outside of this package. LoginExample/src LoginExample.as line 27 1225162212118 189
What's the best way to get rid of these warnings?