I'm a newbie. I can't figure out how and where to call ResignFirstResponder to get rid of the keyboard when the user finished entering the text in an UITextField. I'm a bit confused by the UIResponder class. Mono documentation says: "To dismiss the keyboard, send the UIResponder.ResignFirstResponder message to the text field that is currently the first responder." How to do so? Can someone post a simple working example? There are many examples in Obj-C but none in C#. Many thanks.
Here's an example I've done recently:
private UITextField _textField;
public override void ViewDidLoad()
_textField = new UITextField();
_textField.Text = "King Alfonso III";
_textField.Bounds = bounds;
_textField.Placeholder = "Username";
_textField.ShouldReturn = delegate
return true;
Also if you are submitted a form with a button, make sure you resign all the textfields in the button click, to avoid getting responder errors.
public void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// All other textboxes
// Other button logic
Chris S
2010-03-16 12:51:28
Top mate! I feel quite n00by :) Thanks again Chris!
2010-03-16 13:54:03
@kentakhy Glad to help, it took me about 3 hours to figure it out from small bits on the web and Miguel's examples: http://github.com/migueldeicaza/monotouch-samples
Chris S
2010-03-16 14:08:14