



I'm doing some line charts in my Flex application, and I need to draw segments of those line chart in different color. Does anyone have an idea how this could be achieved? For instance, if I have a code like this (actually, I have given this trivial example for simplicity (the problem is the same)):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""&gt;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        private var profit:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
            { Month: "Jan", Profit: 2000 },
            { Month: "Feb", Profit: 1000 },
            { Month: "Mar", Profit: 1500 },
            { Month: "Apr", Profit: 1800 },
            { Month: "May", Profit: 2400 },
            { Month: "Jun", Profit: 3500 } 
    <mx:Stroke id = "s1" color="blue" weight="2"/>
        <mx:LineChart id="linechart" dataProvider="{profit}">
                <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="Month"/>
                <mx:LineSeries yField="Profit" form="curve" displayName="Profit" lineStroke="{s1}"/>

I would like this "Profit" series to be blue (as it currently is), but I would like first segment of the line (Jan, Feb) to be, let's say yellow, and another segment, let's say (Mar, Apr, Jun) to be red.

I know I could draw additional series for these segments with proper coloring on top of existing one, but I was wondering is there a more elegant way of doing this in Flex?

Thanks for you answers.

+2  A: 

Probably, you can create your own custom line chart series class. This is a demo with sources by Ely Greenfield where custom PieChart series are implemented. See file. There is a radiusField property which is a custom one. I guess you can do the same with the 'color'.

Thanks. This might do the trick. BTW, do you happen to know any good resources that explain in more detail customizing Flex objects in general?
Here is a list of documents I found:UIComponent LifeCycle overview: detailed information: that helps
Thanks, again, for the resources.