I'm in the middle of creating a fairly large flex application, and over time, it's started to edge toward unmaintainability.
I'm using 3 external library projects which are still small enough to remain maintainable and reusable, but the main project seems to be impossible to keep organized.
Part of the problem seems to be that I have about 30 objects inheriting from a single abstract superclass type object. All of child objects have both a logic component and a ui component which are tightly integrated to each other. The superclass object has about 60 shared methods and properties, most of which can be overridden in any of the child classes, a few of which should be overridden in all child classes.
To add to the complexity, these have to communicate between themselves, and this is usually via the container object they reside in. Additionally, the main project has to create value objects out of these so they can be sent to a FlourineFX backend for storage, and additional authentication/authorization logic.
I've created much larger projects in languages from old MS BASIC (pre VB), Ada, VB (3 to .Net 1), C++, and C# without this problem. (well, old VB tended toward this problem because of the same tight integration between UI and logic) So, is there any thing I'm missing, or is there any best practices that I can implement? (even if that means rewriting entire swaths of code)
And yes, this may be an extension to this conversation.