Assuming we can partially destroy the input, here's an algorithm for n words of O(log n) bits.
Find the element of order sqrt(n) via linear-time selection. Partition the array using this element as a pivot (O(n)). Using brute force, count the number of different elements in the partition of length sqrt(n). (This is O(sqrt(n)^2) = O(n).) Now use an in-place radix sort on the rest, where each "digit" is log(sqrt(n)) = log(n)/2 bits and we use the first partition to store the digit counts.
If you consider streaming algorithms only ( ), then it's impossible to get an exact answer with o(n) bits of storage via a communication complexity lower bound ( ), but possible to approximate the answer using randomness and little space (Alon, Matias, and Szegedy).