



I'm looking for for a programming book that reviews basic concepts like implementing linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, tree traversals, search algorithms, etc. etc. Basically, I'm looking for a review of everything I learned in college but have forgotten. I prefer something written in the last few years that includes at least a decent amount of code in object-oriented languages.

This is to study for job interview questions but I already have the "solving interview questions" books. I'm looking for something with a little more depth and explanation. Any good recommendations?


this has already been covered in much depth here. try the following:

or just do a search on the site.

The identification of possible duplicates should be done in the comments. But it is not clear to me that these *are* duplicates, as such.
+3  A: 

Introduction to Algorithms is pretty good and not that old

Tuomas Pelkonen
+1 The ultimate reference book.
Adam Matan

Depends at what level you will be developing, most people don't spend much time building their own data structures. A review of design patterns might be a better use of your time for interview questions. For a good reference book if you already know your patterns well look at Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. If you are not really familiar with design patterns take a look at Head First Design Patterns

Christopherous 5000

Introduction to Algorithms is a great book, but it's somewhat overbloated. It's a nice one-time read for your intent. If you want to enter in depth, I would suggest Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual

Luís Guilherme