I can tell you that after 25 years there are lines of code that I don't know how they're exactly going to look like.
Want an example? I'm programming in Java since last century and I can honestly still make a mistake if I were to type hashcode() or hashCode().
Why? Because actually typing such a method name yourself is so last century. Your intention is to override Object's hashCode() method, so you use programming by intention.
You hit Ctrl-O then h and you get a list of the methods starting with an 'h' that you can override. Then you hit enter. As a bonus, the "@Override" gets inserted for you too.
4 keys. 4, to get this:
public int hashCode() {
And honestly, whether hashCode takes an uppercase 'c' or not... I couldn't care less. This is not what an hashcode is about and my intention is not to know all the inconsistencies languages and API designers came up with. My intention is to override the method that gives back an object's hashcode and my (modern) IDE allows me to get that skeleton in four keypresses, including hitting enter.
Another example: there are people who do really type this countless times a day:
for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) {
or the more tricky:
for (int i = ; i >= 0; i--) {
Note in that latter case I can still mess up and type "i++" instead of "i--" (a 'thinko' as its called).
But I don't care at all, because I type "fi<tab>" (three keys) and I get the first one or "fir<tab>" (four keys, "for i (in) reverse") and I get the second one. You ain't beating that (especially seen that I'm a touch typist so I type these three or four keys fast). In addition to speed, as an added bonus the autocompletion won't mess you "i--".
In many case I don't know exactly the line I'll get: sure, I know it "more or less" and that's exactly the way it should be.