What is the best way to send e-mail using outlook express from the command line? It has to be an automated operation with no user interaction. There will be some .jpg files in attachment. Thanks.
Perhaps this post is helpful. It speaks pre-populating a new e-mail message and including a file.
Aron Rotteveel
2008-10-31 11:20:36
have you tried the above with Outlook Express?
Aron Rotteveel
2008-10-31 11:23:51
Does it really need to use Outlook Express to send the email?
Can't you use a third-party command line email tool or do you need it to use Outlook Express' settings and for the mails to end up in the Sent folder?
If you can use a third-party tool, something like absoluteTools SendMail CMD might do the job.
Steve Morgan
2008-10-31 11:33:14
Quick'n dirty AutoIt script, you can modify it to accept parameters from the command line:
; Send a mail vía outlook "automation"
$sRcpt = "[email protected]"
$sSubj = "Test subject"
$sBody = "This is a test"
$sAttach = "g:\AutoIt\AnHoras.PRG"
If Not WinActivate ("[REGEXPTITLE:.*\- Outlook Express]") Then
RunWait ("d:\Archivos de programa\Outlook Express\msimn.exe") ; Set your path to the Outlook .exe
Send ("!anm") ; Archivo->Nuevo->Mensaje (in spanish, sorry, I suppose that in english it will be File->New->Message)
Send ($sRcpt & "{Tab 3}")
Send ($sSubj & "{Tab}")
Send ($sBody)
If $sAttach <> "" Then
Send ("!i{Enter}" & $sAttach & "{Enter}") ; Insertar adjunto (Insert->Attachment)
Send ("!a{Down}{Enter}") ; Archivo->Enviar mensaje (File->Send message)
2008-10-31 20:27:41