I have a set of N non-decreasing functions each denoted by Fi(h), where h is an integer. The functions have numeric values.
I'm trying to figure out a way to maximize the average of all of the functions given some total H value.
For example, say each function represents a grade on an assignment. If I spend h hours on assignment i, I will get g = Fi(h) as my grade. I'm given H hours to finish all of the assignments. I want to maximize my average grade for all assignments.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to figure this out? I just need a generic algorithm in pseudo code and then I can probably adapt quickly from that.
EDIT: I think dynamic programming could be used to figure this out but I'm not really 100% sure.
EDIT 2: I found an example in my algorithms book from when I was in university that is almost the exact same problem take a look here on Google Books.