



Given a string s, what is the fastest method to generate a set of all its unique substrings?

Example: for str = "aba" we would get substrs={"a", "b", "ab", "ba", "aba"}.

The naive algorithm would be to traverse the entire string generating substrings in length 1..n in each iteration, yielding an O(n^2) upper bound.

Is a better bound possible?

(this is technically homework, so pointers-only are welcome as well)

+1  A: 

For big oh ... Best you could do would be O(n^2)

No need to reinvent the wheel, its not based on a strings, but on a sets, so you will have to take the concepts and apply them to your own situation.


Really Good White Paper from MS

In depth PowerPoint

Blog on string perms

Err, what? O(a^n)? What is a and where did you pull that result from?
sorry that notation defines growth over time... i switched back
+2  A: 

There is no way to do this faster than O(n2) because there are a total of O(n2) substrings in a string, so if you have to generate them all, their number will be n(n + 1) / 2 in the worst case, hence the upper lower bound of O(n2) Ω(n2).

We could hope for an output-sensitive algorithm that ran in O(# of unique strings)...
You mean a lower bound of Ω(n^2). :)
Suffix trees do it in O(n + L) time, where L is the number of unique substrings. For strings like 'aaaaa....aaaaa', L = O(n). So statement about Omega(n^2) is incorrect.
@Moron - I'm curious how suffix trees can solve this in O(n + L). Mind posting an algorithm?
@IVlad: Just walk the whole suffix tree and print the paths/sub-paths as you go along. Wouldn't that be O(L)? Of course this assumes that printing a string is O(1) (for instance, we print only the begin and end indices). If we consider printing string x to take O(|x|) time, then yes, it is Omega(n^2). That you have considered that is not clear from your post, and I would guess your post actually implies an Omega(n^3) lower bound for that case.
@IVlad: Of course, I haven't tried proving the claim about suffix trees, but it seems right to me. Also we can consider print=generate in above comment, I guess.
+1  A: 

well, since there is potentially n*(n+1)/2 different substrings (+1 for the empty substring), I doubt you can be better than O(n*2) (worst case). the easiest thing is to generate them and use some nice O(1) lookup table (such as a hashmap) for excluding duplicates right when you find them.


It's `n(n+1)/2`. "abc" has 3*4/2 = 6 substrings ("a", "b", "c", "ab", "bc", "abc") not 3*2/2 = 3 substrings.
Note that hash tables use hashcodes and equals which are O(n) for the length of the string.
oh, yes, sorry ... will fix that ... :)
@fgb using a rolling hash for example you can get O(1) lookup.
+3  A: 

As other posters have said, there are potentially O(n^2) substrings for a given string, so printing them out cannot be done faster than that. However there exists an efficient representation of the set that can be constructed in linear time: the suffix tree.

Rafał Dowgird
This is O(n+L) where L is number of unique substrings, I believe. So it is optimal.