i'm creating a flex application and trying to debug using the "Network Monitor" view. The script i'm debugging fetches a PHP session variable (the PHP outputs xml) and the actionscript retrieves the value from the HTTPService event.
if I am using say a chrome browser, i can correctly retrieve the session variable ANY TIME. if I switch to say a firefox browser, then clearly the chrome session variable is unavailable to firefox.
My issue is that I create the session variable with say chrome, and then try to retrieve my session variable from my FLEX application debugger (which always returns null) -when I really want it to return my session variable.
is there a way for my flex debugger to retrieve this session variable set by chrome (or any browser)? (I'm even using chrome as my debugging browser for flex)
var roomService:HTTPService = new HTTPService(); roomService.url = "http://mysite.com/getRoom.php"; roomService.addEventListener("result", getRoomResult); roomService.send();
private function getRoomResult(event:ResultEvent):void{ if (event.result.room.hasOwnProperty("bucket")) { room = event.result.room.bucket; Alert.show(room); }
**getRoom.php returns a $_SESSION['variable'] via xml. Alert returns null -this is NOT wanted. I want my $_SESSION['variable'] alerted. I set my session variable using chrome/ie/firefox before debugging. Any thoughts??