



How do these relate?

Please use all of these words in one paragraph. I'm a beginner.

+2  A: 

To understand threads, cores, processes and queues better, you could start by reading the Multithreading entry in Wikipedia.

I think I managed to have all those words in one paragraph haven't I? ;-)

Péter Török
  • A process, is an executing program - usually associated to Windows.
  • A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time; atleast one or more threads run in the context of the process.
  • Multi threading, a process having multiple threads. For instance, one that fetches data and moves into a queue, another thread that checks the queue for a possible job and then processes that job(see producer consumer).
  • Core is a subjective term; in case of software its may be associated to processor, base library, actual interface that interacts with hardware, etc. The Core, that a software is built upon.
  • Queue is a type of data structure work upon FIFO(first in first out) principle.