I have a script that I want to run as a daemon listening on a low-numbered port (< 1024)
Script is in python, though answers in perl are also acceptable.
The script is being daemonized using start-stop-daemon in a startup script, which may complicate the answer
What I really (think) don't want is to type ps -few and see this process running with a "root" on it's line.
How do I do it?
( from my less-than-fully-educated-about-system-calls perspective, I can see 3 avenues,
- Run the script as root (no --user/--group/--chuid to start-stop-daemon), and have it de-escalate it's user after it claims the port
- Setuid root on the script (chmod u+s), and run the script as the running user, (via --user/--group/--chuid to start-stop-daemon, the startup script still has to be called as root), in the script, acquire root privileges, claim the port, and then revert back to normal user
- something else i'm unaware of