How do I remove the last two chars from each line in a text file using just Linux commands?
Also my file seems to have weird ^A delimiters in it. What char does ^A correspond to?
How do I remove the last two chars from each line in a text file using just Linux commands?
Also my file seems to have weird ^A delimiters in it. What char does ^A correspond to?
Second BenV's answer. However you can make sure that you only remove ^A by:
sed 's/^A^A$//' <file>
In addition to that, to find out what ^A is, I did the following:
% echo -n '^A' |od -x
0000000 0001
% ascii 0x01
ASCII 0/1 is decimal 001, hex 01, octal 001, bits 00000001: called ^A, SOH
Official name: Start Of Heading
(wanted to add as a comment but it doesn't do quoting properly)
you can also use awk
awk '{sub(/..$/,"")}1' file
you can also use the shell
while read -r line; do echo ${line:0:(${#line}-2)}; done<file
however if you are talking about getting rid of DOS newlines (ie \r\n), you can use dos2unix