




i am working with Ghostscript for Linux .wha are the differences?


If you want to know difference from Linux to MS Windows (you didn't specify)... from the top of my head:

  • On Windows you have two executables, gswin32c.exe and gswin32.exe instead of gs only. The first one is to run Ghostscript on the commandline ("DOS box"), the second one will open two GUI windows: one to render the output, another one which is console-like and shows GS stdout/stderr or takes your command input if you run GS in interactive mode.

  • On Windows you'll see a few less "devices" if you type "gswin32c.exe -h" compared to "gs -h". Most noteably you'll not have any of the x11* devices (like x11, x11alpha, x11cmyk, x11mono etc). You'll also not have the cups device, nor the OpenPrinting Raster/Vector devices (oprp and opvp).

  • On Windows you'll have two additional devices called mswindll and mswinpr2.

  • It is recommended to use forward slashes for path/directory separation also on Windows (otherwise you'd possibly need to use a double backslash \\ to escape the single one).

  • Printing to a real printer is handled differently on Windows. Use -sOutputFile= to print to your default printer. Use -sOutputFile="%printer%My Nice Ricoh Printer" to print to the named printer.


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