If you need an exact value for a given input length then this will work (thought it is overkill):
ALGORITHM complexity_counter_of_UniqueElements(A[0 .. n-1])
// Determines whether all the elements in a given array are distinct
// Input: An array A[0 .. n-1]
// Output: Returns "true" if all the elements in A are distinct
// and false otherwise.
counter acc = 0;
for i := 0 to n - 2 do
for j := i + 1 to n - 1 do
//if A[i] = A[j] return false
acc := 1 + acc
return acc
It is easy to see that this algorithm is O(n*n) though, which is probably what you're interested in. The algorithm compares every element by every other element. If you created a table with the results of this the table would have to be at least ((n*n)/2) to hold all of the results.
I see now what you were really asking.
You need to compute the probability that each comparison may result in a match. This depends on the size of your elements (things that live in A) and what kind of distribution they have.
Assuming a random distribution the chance that any two random A[x] == A[y] where x != y would be 1.0/(number of possible values of element).
total_chance := 0.0
for i:= 0 to n - 2 do
for j := i + 1 to n - 1 do
this_chance := 1.0/(number_of_possible_values_of_element)
total_chance := total_chance + ((1-total_chance)*this_chance)
// This should be the the probability of the newly compared pair being equal weighted
// to account for the chance that it actually mattered (ie, hadn't found a match earlier)
return total_chance
O((1-P(n))*n*n), but P(n) is <= 1, so it is less than n*n