Question: Is there an easy way (library function) to perform a bitwise AND or OR on numbers larger than 32-bit in ActionScript?
From the docs: "Bitwise operators internally manipulate floating-point numbers to change them into 32-bit integers. The exact operation performed depends on the operator, but all bitwise operations evaluate each binary digit (bit) of the 32-bit integer individually to compute a new value."
I can't use the & or | ops - does AS expose a library function to do this for Numbers?
Specifics: I'm porting a bunch of java to flex and the java maintains a bunch of 'long' masks. I know that I can split the Java masks into two ints on the flex side. Since all of my mask manip is localized this won't be too painful. However, I'd like to keep the port as 1-1 as possible.
Any suggestions? Thanks!