



The URW Palldio font (mathpazo package) does not provide bold small caps. To get round this issue, I'd want to make a macro to use small caps usually and normal caps in bold text.

I tried this code:


% Use small caps normally except in a bold font: switch to uppercase instead.
% This macro does not work: the `\ifx\f@series\bfdefault` test always fails.
         {\scshape #1}%

% An other macro, where the same test is ok here !?
\newcommand\normal{\fontseries{\ifx\f@series\bfdefault\then m \fi}\selectfont}

% this works OK
This is a \mytextsc{small caps} text.

% this fails
\textbf{This is a bold \mytextsc{upper case} text.}

% here the normal macro works
\textbf{This is a bold \mytextsc{upper \normal case} text.}

For some strange reason, the test \ifx\f@series\bfdefault always fails in the \mytestsc macro, although it works well in the \normal macro. Any ideas how to correct the \mytextsc macro?


There doesn't appear to be any bold small caps for mathpazo, according to Will Robertson:

You should check the Latex warning to be sure.

Charles Stewart
Sorry, I edited the post to clarify my issue. It's not the missing font, but the macro.

I don't know why \bfdefault isn't expanding correctly, but you can define a new macro that does what you want:

    \else{\scshape #1}%