Hi all,
How to read and import .csv file in groovy on grails. I have .csv file with data and
need to import in to db using user interface .
thanks in advance,
Hi all,
How to read and import .csv file in groovy on grails. I have .csv file with data and
need to import in to db using user interface .
thanks in advance,
There are as always different possibilities to work with CSV files in Groovy.
As Groovy is fully interoperable with Java, you can use one of the existing CSV libararies, e.g. OpenCSV.
Depending on the complexity of the CSV file you are using, you can also use the standard file/string handling possibilities of Groovy:
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb",
"user", "pswd", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
def people = sql.dataSet("PERSON")
new File("users.csv").splitEachLine(",") {fields ->
first_name: fields[0],
last_name: fields[1],
email: fields[2]
EDIT: Kelly Robinson just wrote a nice blog post about the different possibilities that are available to work with CSV files in Groovy.